Lafcadio Hearn’s Former Residence & Memorial Museum – 小泉八雲旧居・記念館

Lafcadio Hearn (1850-1904), an open-minded writer who and world-traveller who was born in Greece, lived in various countries, and moved to Matsue as an English teacher in 1890. There, he met his wife, daughter to a samurai family, and lived in this simple but beautiful samurai house, now open to the public. The gardens are kept as they were during his time here and the house itself remains largely unchanged. Located next door is the Memorial Museum dedicated to Hearn and his works.
Hearn was one of the earliest and most prolific writers to reveal Japan to the western world, in books such as 'Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan' or 'Kwaidan'. He was one of the first westerners to adopt Japanese citizenship and was naturalised as Koizumi Yakumo, the name by which he remains known in Japan.

Admission fee Lafcadio Hearn's Former Residence ¥310
Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum ¥410
Hours Open 7 days a week. Museum closed on 20/06/17, 20/09/16, 20/12/16 and 21/02/24 
Apr - Sep, 8:30 - 18:30 (Reception until 18:10)
Oct - Mar, 8:30 - 17:00 (Reception until 16:40)
Tel 0852-21-2147 (Memorial Museum)
Access Located on Shiomi Nawate Street
(Lakeline bus stop 10)